Joey Cortijo's Nu metal Single Withdrawal Peaks at #23 on iTunes Metal Charts

Rising Nu metal artist Joey Cortijo has made a significant impact with his latest single, "Withdrawal", which has successfully charted on the iTunes metal charts, peaking at an impressive #23 in the USA. The single is distributed by The Orchard, a division of Sony Music Entertainment, under a non-exclusive contract with Creativ Records DBA Push Global Entertainment.

About the Single:

"Withdrawal" captures the raw, intense energy that defines the nu-metal genre, showcasing Joey Cortijo's powerful vocals and dynamic instrumental arrangements. The single addresses themes of struggle, resilience, and the fight against inner demons, resonating deeply with fans of the genre.

Distribution and Chart Success:

Distributed by The Orchard, a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment known for its expansive reach and industry expertise, "Withdrawal" has garnered widespread attention and acclaim. The single's success on the iTunes metal charts, where it peaked at #23 in the USA, marks a significant milestone for Cortijo, reflecting the growing popularity and influence of his music.

Non-Exclusive Contract with Creativ Records DBA Push Global Entertainment:

Joey Cortijo's collaboration with Creativ Records DBA Push Global Entertainment, under a non-exclusive contract, has provided a platform for his music to reach a broader audience. The label's commitment to supporting innovative and genre-defying artists aligns perfectly with Cortijo's artistic vision and ambition.

Joey Cortijo on "Withdrawal":

"I am thrilled to see 'Withdrawal' resonate with so many people and achieve this level of success on the iTunes metal charts," says Joey Cortijo. "This single is a reflection of personal battles and the journey through adversity, and I am grateful to my fans and the team at The Orchard and Creativ Records for their incredible support."


"Withdrawal" is available on all major streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. Fans can also purchase the single on iTunes.

Connect with Joey Cortijo:

For interviews, reviews, and other media inquiries, please contact Sebastian at

About Joey Cortijo:

Joey Cortijo is a nu-metal artist known for his powerful vocals and compelling musical narratives. With a passion for creating music that delves into deep emotional experiences, Cortijo continues to break new ground in the metal genre, gaining a dedicated following and critical acclaim.


Sebastian Aguirre