Kanye West

Kanye West Hires Homeless For Next Fashion Show

Kanye West hopes to support the homeless with his next Yeezy fashion show.

The rapper plans to enlist homeless people to model the clothing from his new collaboration with the Skid Row Fashion Week brand in an upcoming presentation, TMZ reported Thursday. The initiative would aim to provide jobs with the Skid Row company for homeless people in Los Angeles.

A representative for West, 44, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The plan began when West met with Skid Row Fashion Week founder David Sabastian this month and agreed to work together on an upcoming clothing line, Sebastian told TMZ.

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Both men’s companies would also support the homeless population by donating proceeds from the fashion event, according to the report.

Forbes Declares Kanye West a Billionaire


Kanye West has claimed the billionaire status before, but now he’s finally got the receipts to prove it. Forbes has officially declared the rapper is worth $1.3 billion, but according to Kanye that’s not good enough.

In a lengthy breakdown of the West’s financial reports — which included a look into his contract with adidas, royalties for YEEZY revenue, liquid assets, G.O.O.D. Music label, and debt — Forbes is sticking to its evaluation that Kanye is worth as close to $1.3 billion — $300 million more than his 22-year-old sister-in-law Kylie Jenner.

According to Forbes, the new findings come after the outlet faced backlash from West when he was not included in its annual billionaire’s list in March. The magazine reports the rapper shared documents with the outlet Thursday to set the record straight about his finances.

However, Kanye is still unhappy with the new report. Apparently, prior to the publication, ‘Ye texted Forbes: “It’s not a billion. It’s $3.3 billion since no one at Forbes knows how to count.”