How To Make Your Weekends Feel Longer

Time off from work always goes by way too fast. Here, experts share how to make the most of your weekends. (Photo: Klaus Vedfelt via Getty Images)

Weekends never feel long enough. Whether it’s a regular two-day weekend or an extended (but, somehow, still short) three-day weekend, leisure time goes by much faster than work days.

While there isn’t a magical way to actually extend every weekend, there are ways to take advantage of the time off work, and, in turn, make your weekends feel more fulfilling.

According to Dr. Mike Sevilla, a family physician at the Family Practice Center of Salem in Ohio, weekends are even more important than you may think.

“People need physical time and space to relax and recharge their mind and body after a long work week,” Sevilla said.

Tracy Dumas, an associate professor in the management and human resources department atthe Ohio State University, added that “any break from work, [whether] vacations, weekends or even after work in the evening, is incredibly important for recovery.”

Recovery, Dumas added, is a “term used by organizational psychologists to capture the concept of replenishing resources depleted by the effort expended at work” — much as athletes need to recover and take rest days after tough workouts.

Here, experts share how to optimize those recovery days and make the most of your time off:

Plan out some of your time.

“You can make the most out of your weekend by planning to do activities that you enjoy,” said Alayna L. Park, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Oregon.

She noted that creating a specific schedule for your weekend can help you follow through with the activities you want to do. This way, you don’t go into Sunday night feeling disappointed with the activities you did (or didn’t do). Read full article on Yahoo.